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Cystorrhexis is the medical term meaning suture of the bladder.

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9mo ago

Suturing of the bladder is called cystorrhaphy. This procedure is done to repair any injury or incisions in the bladder wall.

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What is the medical term meaning suture of the bladder?

The medical term for the suture of the bladder is cystorrhaphy.

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Cystoplasty is surgical repair of the bladder.

Why can't Silk sutures be used on the kidney or bladder?

Silk suture is not recommended for use in the bladder or kidney because it may become the nucleus for stone formation.

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A lost suture, also called a wandering suture, is a suture that has migrated to outside of the oral cavity.

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A suture is an example of an immovable joint called a synarthrosis.

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Monocryl suture is made of a synthetic absorbable suture material called poliglecaprone. It is a copolymer of glycolide and epsilon-caprolactone.

What is the joint in your cranium?

The types of joints in the cranium are called sutures.They include:Coronal suture - between the frontal and parietal bonesLambdoid suture - between the parietal, temporal and occipital bonesOccipitomastoid sutureParietomastoid sutureSphenofrontal sutureSphenoparietal sutureSphenosquamosal sutureSphenozygomatic sutureSquamosal suture - between the parietal and the temporal boneZygomaticotemporal sutureZygomaticofrontal sutureFrontal suture / Metopic suture - between the two frontal bones, prior to the fusion of the two into a single boneSagittal suture - along the midline, between parietal bonesFrontoethmoidal suturePetrosquamous sutureSphenoethmoidal sutureSphenopetrosal suture

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Which suture connects the occipital and parietal bones?

The suture that goes in between the two parietal bones (left and right) is called the saggital suture. That is the main suture that runs in the middle of the top of your head. The parietal bones articulate with the occipital bone at the lambdoidal suture and with the temporal bones (left and right where the ears are), at the squamosal suture. Finally the parietal bones both meet with the frontal bone at the coronal suture. But the main suture between the parietals again is the saggital suture.Lambdoidal suture connects the two parietal bones together.

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Suture joint ie skull sections are fused with suture joints