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It should gain 2 electrons

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Q: How many electrons does the element selenium have with the charge of negative 2?
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What element has 2 electrons and a charge of negative 1?

The element with 2 electrons and a charge of -1 is helium. It typically has a charge of 0, but can gain an extra electron to have a -1 charge.

Does selenium have a positive or negative charge?

Selenium form anions.

What subatomic particle has a very small mass and a negative charge?

Electron. Electrons have a very small mass and a negative charge.

What charge is electrons?

Electrons have a negative charge.

How many electrons are in a selenium ion?

Selenium typically has 34 electrons in its neutral state. To determine the number of electrons in a selenium ion, you need to know the specific charge of the ion. For example, a selenium ion with a charge of +2 would have 32 electrons, while a selenium ion with a charge of -2 would have 36 electrons.

Is oxygen a negative charge?

No, oxygen is not a negative charge. Oxygen is a neutral element, which means it has equal numbers of protons and electrons.

Are electrons positive or negative in aluminium?

Electrons are negatively charged particles, and they are negative in aluminum as well. Aluminum atoms have 13 protons (positive charge) in their nucleus and 13 electrons (negative charge) surrounding the nucleus.

What determines the overall charge of an element if an electron charge is negative and a proton has a positive charge?

The overall charge of an element is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus. Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge. In a neutral atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons, resulting in no overall charge.

If an element is missing one electron... is it a positive ion negative ion different element or different isotope?

If an element is missing one electron, which is defined as having a negative charge, then the element is a positively charged ion. If an element gains an extra electron, it will have a negative charge and be a negative ion. An element with an equal number of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons is considered to be a neutral element (in other words, no charge). By the way, no charge for this answer!

19 electrons what is the atom's electrical charge?

An atom with 19 electrons has a charge of -19, since electrons carry a negative charge of -1 each. This negative charge is balanced by the protons in the nucleus, which have a positive charge of +19.

Why do electrons not have a charge?

They do have a charge, it's negative

What particles around the atom have negative charge?

Electrons, which orbit the nucleus of an atom, have a negative charge.