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The sum of the number of protons minus the number of electrons.

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4w ago

The overall charge of an element is determined by the number of protons in the nucleus. Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge. In a neutral atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons, resulting in no overall charge.

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Q: What determines the overall charge of an element if an electron charge is negative and a proton has a positive charge?
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Which element can form both positive and negative ions?

Hydrogen is the element that can form both positive (H+) and negative (H-) ions. When hydrogen gains an electron, it forms a negative ion, and when it loses an electron, it forms a positive ion.

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If an element is missing one electron, which is defined as having a negative charge, then the element is a positively charged ion. If an element gains an extra electron, it will have a negative charge and be a negative ion. An element with an equal number of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons is considered to be a neutral element (in other words, no charge). By the way, no charge for this answer!

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No, transferring an electron does not change the identity of the elements involved. The number of protons in the nucleus, which determines the element's identity, remains the same. The transfer of electrons only affects the element's charge and reactivity.

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A positive ion ( the one that gives the electron) and a negative ion ( the one that accepts).

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Atoms are defined by the number of positively charged protons, not negatively charged electrons. Atoms that lose or gain an electron are called Ions. Anion - gained an electron, negative charge Cation - lost an electron, positive charge

Atom made of?

An atom is made of a nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons, surrounded by electron clouds. Protons carry a positive charge, neutrons are neutral, and electrons have a negative charge. The number of protons determines the element of the atom.

What subatomic particles determine the charge of an atom?

Protons (+1 charge) and electrons (-1 charge) are the subatomic particles that determine the charge of an atom. Protons carry a positive charge, while electrons carry a negative charge. The number of protons in an atom determines its overall positive charge, while the number of electrons determines its overall negative charge.

Does chlorine form a positive or a negative ion?

Chlorine can form both positive and negative ions. As an element, chlorine typically forms a negative ion (Cl^-) by gaining one electron to achieve a stable electron configuration. However, in certain compounds, chlorine can also form a positive ion (Cl^+) by losing an electron.

Which element has a negative electron affinity. Is it Kr. O. Ca. He or Mg?

Helium (He) is the element that has a negative electron affinity. This means that it is less likely to gain an electron compared to other elements listed (Kr, O, Ca, and Mg) which have positive electron affinities.

Is an element with a large negative electron affinity most likely to form a positive ion a negative ion or a neutral atom?

An element with a large negative electron affinity is more likely to form a negative ion because it strongly attracts electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This results in the formation of negatively charged ions.

What is the hharge of a proton in an element?

The Proton carries a Positive charge. An Electron has a Negative charge, and a Neutron has no charge … it's Neutral.

How do you work out charge?

To work out the specific charge of a given element, you will take the positive electron charge and multiply it by the negative electron charge. This can be calculated by the formula q=ne