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Squid (of any size) have beaks, which they use to bite off their food, which they then swallow.

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Kellen Bednar

Lvl 13
2y ago
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9mo ago

Squids swim by jet propulsion, expelling water through a funnel located beneath their body. By contracting and relaxing their muscular funnel, squids can move in any direction swiftly and efficiently through the water.

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12y ago

FunnelWater is let out of one place, the mantleFinletsActs as rudder protecting squid on outside.PenStrong support beam in mantle to make it stiff.

CtenidiumFound on both sides of siphon, gills that retrieve oxygen from the water.ArmsRip-aparts prey and stuffs it into the mouthTentaclesSquid get close to prey, then shoot out the extra-long tentacles to capture it and pull it in.

BeakTakes (first) bite from prey.RadulaThe meat is ripped apart even more by the radula, a conveyor belt of tiny teeth that nearly all molluscs have.

EsophagusFood is swallowed and travels through the esophagus.

StomachStores digestive juices and is a small muscle.LiverBreak down digestive juices.PancreasBreak down digestive juices.CecumWhere the broken down mushy food is absorbed into the squid's hemolymph (blood) and spread through the body.

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16y ago

ok. well the function of the siphon is to get the water and propel the squid fin first through the ocean!

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14y ago

the squid swims by inflating its mantle cavity with water and forcing it out through the funnel in a jet- propulsion fashion.

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12y ago

In the middle of all its tenticles it has an increadibly sharp beak-like mouth that dices its food.

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