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The foot of the squid is it's tentacles, it enables the squid to move very very very very very very very fast. The foot is also the mantle of the squid (the mantle is a thick layer of tissues {muscle} all mollusks use to protect their guts). In this case the squid uses it's mantle to run away from predators (swim away).

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

The foot of a squid is known as the funnel or siphon. It is a muscular structure used for jet propulsion by taking in water and expelling it forcefully to propel the squid through the water. The funnel helps squids move quickly and efficiently in their underwater environment.

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What is a foot of a squid?

All mollusks have a foot, an organ. In a squid the foot is the tentacles it has.

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* *

What structure on a squid analogous to a snails shell?

A squid's tentacles are homologous to the snail's foot.

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Does the squid swim head first or foot first?

Sweetie the Squid and octupus always swims head first @previous answer.. you're wrong. squid swim feet first. the 2 long tentacles and the 8 legs are actually near the head because the the arms and tentacles close around the mouth. so when they swim they open and close their arms & tentacles making them swim fin up. therefore, squid swim FOOT FIRST "sweetie"

How many tentacles do squid have on each foot?

Cuttlefish and squid are decapods, having 10 limbs : the eight arms and two longer limbs called tentacles, used in feeding. They have suckers only at their tips.

What is the latin meaning of the class for a squid?

Squid belong to the class Cephalopoda, which comes for the Greek words for "head" and "foot".

What is the scientific name of squids?

The squid belongs to the class of Cephalopods, Chephal meaning head and pod meaning foot.

Is a squid a cephalopod?

Yes, an octopus is an cephalopod which means head foot. Other cephalopods include cuttlefish, squid, and an nautilus which is the only cephalopod that still carries a shell.

Does squid eat human?

Humboldt or jumbo squid are aggressive creatures, example they have displayed cannibalistic activities like eating other squid. Like sharks they have attacked people but humans aren't apart of their everyday diet. The humboldt squid have the ability to flash different colors and if the animal flashes red it is a sign of aggression. But divers say when encountered with the squid they found that the squid swam by and were mainly curious and swam away once they found that the divers wouldn't harm the squid. But fishermen have been attacked, but this would be in a different environment. Pulling in a 6 foot squid takes skill, so fisher men have been killed but its not some outrageous number of deaths.

Is The Humbble Squid The Giant Squid?

The Humboldt squid and the Giant Squid are two separate species