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The tortoise does require calcium and vitamin D as it helps in the formation of its shell.

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Q: Do tortoises need calcium with or without vitamin D3?
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Related questions

How does a shortage of vitamin d affect health?

Vitamin D is important for using the calcium you eat. Without it, parts of the body that need calcium have to go without. This is seen with softening of the bones, which leads to rickets.

How does vitamin D interact with calcium in the body?

Vitamin D without calcium just passes through the body. If you take vitamin D in capsules for example, they also contain calcium.

What vitamin do teenagers need?

They need phosphorus, calcium and vit. A

What can you eat for strong bones?

Bones need calcium and vitamin D. Dairy products have a lot of calcium, and you can get vitamin D from sunbathing.

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What vitimin helps milk absorbe its calcium?

You need vitamin D to absorb calcium.

What are the best foods to consume for vitamin d and calcium?

i need information about calcium & vitamin D Calcium is needed for our heart, muscles, and nerves to function properly and for blood to clot. Inadequate calcium significantly contributes to the development of osteoporosis. Many published studies show that low calcium intake throughout life is associated with low bone mass and high fracture rates. The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. Without enough vitamin D, one can't form enough of the hormone calcitriol (known as the "active vitamin D"). This in turn leads to insufficient calcium absorption from the diet. In this situation, the body must take calcium from its stores in the skeleton, which weakens existing bone and prevents the formation of strong, new bone. You can get vitamin D in three ways: through the skin, from the diet, and from supplements. Vitamin D is formed naturally by the body after exposure to sunlight. Fifteen minutes in the sun a few times a week without sunscreen is plenty for many people to manufacture and store all of the vitamin D they need

What vitamin do you need for your bones to develop?

Your bones need calcium for developing and strengthening. (Same for teeth).Vitamin D is important in bone development.

What vitamin is needed to absorb calcium?

Vitamin D is needed to help the body absorb calcium from the diet. It plays a crucial role in regulating calcium levels in the blood and promoting bone health. Without enough vitamin D, the body may struggle to absorb calcium efficiently.

What is Soft bone?

Bones need calcium and phosphorus to remain healthy and strong, but the body also needs vitamin D to be able to absorb these two minerals. Without this necessary vitamin, bones can become soft and flexible.

In order to grow bones you need?

Bones do need Calcium to grow, however, it is not the only necessary component. Vitamin D is needed to help absorb the Calcium, and Vitamin C is also necessary. Phosphorous is also needed.

Name two nutrients your bones need and how do they help the bones?

Calcium and Vitamin D are two nutrients that bones need. Calcium helps to build and maintain bone strength and structure, while Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium effectively, promoting healthy bone growth and density.