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In all wars there is sadness, death, suffering and loss for someone. WW2 brought about the end of the godless Nazi regime and their enslavement and murder machine. It also ended Japan's reach for control of the Pacific, and in doing ushered in the atomic age. A Europe that had been under the Nazi boot became a Europe under the Communist boot. Japan retooled and gave the world affordable, high quality cars and electronics. Eastern Europe was hardly better economically under the sham of Socialism. The world, and we know it now, 18 years after Communism's fall is better with capitalism. Clearly Cuba and N. Korea point this out since they still cling to this failed thinking. As for the atomic age, the threat of mutually assured destruction by the US and USSR probably kept the peace for almost 60 years, even though those same weapon in the hands of rogue nations or individuals could put us back in the middle ages.

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9mo ago

While World War 2 brought about advancements in technology and led to the creation of international organizations like the United Nations, it also resulted in immense human suffering and loss. The war altered the global power structure and spurred decolonization movements, but these changes came at a significant cost in terms of lives and resources. Ultimately, opinions on whether World War 2 changed the world for the better vary depending on different perspectives.

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13y ago

if you are a whig historian; then everything, otherwise it is up for debate.

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