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I had a bacterial unknown of M. luteus in my microbiology lab. M. luteus is a Gram positive cocci (as seen by a gram stain). A good definitive test for Gram + cocci is the catalase test. M. luteus is catalase positive. Then a nitrate test can be performed to determine that M. luteus is nitrate negative.

Those alone should be enough to confirm M. luteus.

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4mo ago

Biochemical tests to confirm Micrococcus luteus include catalase positive, coagulase negative, positive reactions for oxidase, nitrate reduction, and maltose fermentation tests. Additionally, M. luteus is non-motile, exhibits yellow pigmentation, and grows well on nutrient agar.

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10y ago

gram stain and sugar test

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Q: Biochemical tests to confirm micrococcus luteus?
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What is Biochemical tests for Fungi?

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What are the biochemical tests for identification of virus?

Biochemical tests are generally not used for the identification of viruses. Instead, techniques such as serological assays, nucleic acid amplification tests (PCR), electron microscopy, and viral culture methods are commonly used to identify viruses. These methods help to detect specific viral proteins or genetic material in samples.

Biochemical tests are used to determine what?

Biochemical tests are used to determine the presence of specific molecules, such as proteins, enzymes, or metabolites, in a sample. These tests help to diagnose diseases, monitor treatment, and assess overall health status based on the chemical reactions happening in the body.

Why is biochemical testing important?

A biochemical test is a test used mainly in microbiology with the main intention of detecting enzyme production. Biochemical tests can also, when used correctly, further narrow the search when looking at identifying an unknown microbe. The biochemical tests can narrow the search down to a specific genus and possibly even the species of the unknown microbe. In most cases when identification of an unknown microbe is needed, the microbe will usually be a bacterium.

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Isolation of Aspergillus niger refers to the process of separating and identifying this particular species of fungus from a sample or environment. This can involve techniques such as culturing on specific growth media, microscopy, and biochemical tests to confirm its presence and characteristics. Aspergillus niger is a common mold known for its ability to produce enzymes and organic acids.

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