I heard it was his fathers ring and he just wears it to honr him.
I'll describe: on the left hand (counting from the thumb {as 1 thumb, 2 index finger, 3 middle finger, and then the fourth is where you wear the ring on})
Most musicians wear their ring finger on the "divorced hand" because it hits the guitar and makes an annoying sound. Notice that its only on the wrong hand when he is one stage.
You should wear your cameo ring right side up ^_^
yes at their wedding john didn't get one but June did ,later in may of 1968 when they went on their honeymoon in Israel they both bought each other a ring that had ingraved on it "Me to my love, and my love to me" in Hebrew
== == From what I've seen, Joe Jonas's ring just bears a cross. There is no actual words inscribed on it. For wear and tear, the bottom of his ring split a little bit, but he didn't wnat to replace it because it means so much to him. Yes Joe wears a ring but it's not a wedding band. It's a purity ring that has a cross on it.
In the US it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the Left Hand.
No. In some European countries, they wear the wedding ring on the right hand, third finger.
To show the love and fidelity that you have for your husband/wife.
Yes, French people do wear their wedding ring on the right hand. However, in the United States, people wear their wedding rings on their left hand.
AnswerSome people wear wedding rings on their right hand but are not married. for example, I wear a wedding ring on my right hand because it was my grandmother's ring, I inherited it when she passed away, and I want to wear it because it was a very special ring to her and my grandmother and I were very close. Some people think I am married because I have the ring on my right ring finger but the proper place for a wedding ring is on the left ring finger when married.There is no law that says you have to wear a ring nor, if you choose to, where you have to wear it. It is merely a convention.
because it is called the wedding ring finger. i think
His wedding
I don't think that there is a rule against it, but it is not common. Wearing a wedding ring generally means you are married, so it would be misleading to wear it if you have not yet had the ceremony. As for the engagement ring, many woman will only wear it until they are actually married, at which time they change to the wedding ring. But some women like their engagement ring so much that they wear both the wedding ring and the engagement ring together even after they are married.
Colombians wear the wedding ring on the right ring finger. --US citizen and Colombian Permanent Resident.
Wear it on your ring finger until your wedding day.
yes,usually women wear the engagement ring with the wedding ring on her left hand's ring finger together.
you wear it on your left hand on the finger next to your pinky-its your wedding finger. you wear the ring as a promise and it is replaced by a wedding ring when u get married.you wear it on your left hand on the finger next to your pinky-its your wedding finger. you wear the ring as a promise and it is replaced by a wedding ring when u get married.