No one. She just sung paradise in the movie..... this is a false answer... she did do the song but she also played appoline... the stuck up show dog... it was a voice-over but she still did it
Papi: Roscoe Chloe: Angle
the movie comes out in November of 2010...
Beverly Hills - song - was created on 2005-03-29.
This is my Paridise- Bridget Mendler
The duration of Beverly Hills Chihuahua is 1.45 hours.
The Production Budget for Beverly Hills Chihuahua was $20,000,000.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua was created on 2008-09-25.
i think not because will be only beverly hills chihuahua 1&2&3
yes, there will be on March 13, 2013. PEACE OUT BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA LOVERS!!!
Beverly Hills Chihuahua grossed $154,218,168 worldwide.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua is rated PG for some mild thematic elements. However Beverly Hills Chihuahua parts 2 and 3 are both rated G.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua grossed $94,514,402 in the domestic market.