Beverly Hills Chihuahua is rated PG for some mild thematic elements. However Beverly Hills Chihuahua parts 2 and 3 are both rated G.
The Hills Have Eyes The Hills Run Red Beverly Hills Cops Beverly Hills Ninja Beverly Hills Chihuahua
The duration of Beverly Hills Bordello is 1800.0 seconds.
Beverly Hills Bordello was created in 1996.
The duration of Beverly Hills Ninja is 1.47 hours.
The duration of Beverly Hills Chihuahua is 1.45 hours.
The Production Budget for Beverly Hills Chihuahua was $20,000,000.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua was created on 2008-09-25.
i think not because will be only beverly hills chihuahua 1&2&3
yes, there will be on March 13, 2013. PEACE OUT BEVERLY HILLS CHIHUAHUA LOVERS!!!
Beverly Hills Chihuahua grossed $154,218,168 worldwide.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua grossed $94,514,402 in the domestic market.
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 - 2011 V is rated/received certificates of: Argentina:Atp Australia:G Netherlands:AL Singapore:G Singapore:PG (DVD rating) USA:G (certificate #46093)