it is located on transmission right hand side just above trans pan and covered by heat shield for exhaust.
.15mm or .006 inches cold.
I think you have to put your transmission on Neutral then shift to 4x4.
Check that the transfer case is engaging to do this jack all four tires up and lock it in 4x4 and look to see if the front is turing. and also make sure that the hubs work I replaced the front driveline shift actuator and while I was under there I made sure the shift sleeve wasnt sticking....really easy $70 part and 30 mins sounds exactly like what I did...good luck the 4x4 system on that jeep uses a vacuum line that engages it, check if the vacuum is plugged in properly or check if there is a vacuum leak some where on the front axle
Sounds like you have an air pocket. Check to see that your coolant is completely topped up and that you have opened any bleeder valve to bleed the air out of the cooling system. Not all engines have a bleeder valve so check this out in a shop manual.
All you have to do is unplug the wires going to the transfer case, and plug it back up if you ever have to use 4x4 again. If you do want to change it to 4x2 it will cost you alot.
Yes the do it's part of the ETCM ( Electronic Transmission Control Module) and it connects to the engine.
Defective modulator valve.
on the pasenger side of the transmission in the casing towards the front of the transmission pan
That year did not use a modulator valve on the transmission. That transmission is all computer controlled.
A vacuum operated daiphram valve located on top of the fuel rail
the vacuum modulator can be bad. With the engine OFF, remove the vacuum line at the modulator. If fluid runs out, there's your problem.
Most modulator valves are on the rear of the transmission. It should not be that hard to find due to the fact that it has a vacuum line attached to it. It controls the transmission shifting off engine vacuum. Also if it is bad it will pull transfluid out of the transmission and burn it off thur. the engine, this is noted with white smoke from the tail pipe.
You lift the hood and look at the pressure gauge.
Dodge transmissions do not use vacuum modulators.Dodge transmissions do not use vacuum modulators.
check the vacuum diaphragm for leaks. Might be a hole in the vacuum line.