Mailing tubes, the sort of thing one would mail a rolled up poster in for example, are available from stationery stores. In the UK this includes Ryman, Staples and UK Office Direct to name but a few.
Yes, you can get pregnant after your tubes are tied. I had my tubes tied 6 years ago during the birth of my son, I had a c-section. SURPRISE , I had signs of being pregnant. I thought oh this is not possible, Its possible !!!!
With god anything is possible cause faith is the mite not get it when you want it but its right on time ..amen
It is possible but each case has to be judged individually so ask your doctor what the chances are.
1. You don't 2. IVFIt is possible that there would be a leak in one of your tubes, or that one of your tubes repaired itself. 3. When instead of the tubes, round ligament gets ligated there could be pregnancy. This mistake is not unknown.
You could still get pregnant - if you used IVF - using a donor egg with your partner's sperm.
There are a multitude of places to order mailing tubes. You should be able to find one in any fedex or other shipping store, but you can also buy them online at , , or .
Here's one place where you can buy them: They take custom orders.
Plastic mailing tubes are sold at Bestvaluesupply, Quill, Office Depot, OfficeMax, Staples, Reliable Paper, The Office Dealer, ShippingSupply, and ReStockIt.
You can try online retail sites such as Amazon and eBay. These websites also sell shipping tubes:, and
You can pick up mailing tubes for posters from your local post office.
Mailing tubes are available in bulk sale at various large chain office supply stores like staples or office Max. You can also seek online retailers like Amazon to look for smaller independent stores that sell them.
Mailing tubes are tubes that one can put mail in. Generally, it is best for shipping things that are long, or tube shaped. They can be found at any post office.
Maximum length for a mailing tube is 34 inches for the standard rate for Priority Mail. Larger mailing tubes may require additional postage. Call 1.800.ASK.USPS to inquire about tubes that exceed 34 inches.
You don't necessarily need to use branded tubes to safely send you parcels. as well as offer a wide range of cheap alternatives.
Yes, mailing tubes do come in a variety of sizes and strengths. To learn more about the various sizes, visit and
One can purchase cardboard mailing tubes at many local office supply stores, large retailers such as Wal-Mart, or at a local postal or shipping store.
Bulk mailing tubes can easily be purchased online at United States Postal Service or at UPS or FEDEX or even in person at the United States Postal Service.