With god anything is possible cause faith is the key...you mite not get it when you want it but its right on time ..amen
Fallopian tubes can't be untied. What we call "tying" is actually a permanent procedure that either involves clamping or severing them.
if you try really hard you might be able to and the chance of that is problably .000001 i suggest surgery.
its not commen but women have been known to get pregnant in there tubes. this is called a tuble pregnancy.if you do get pregnant in your tubes you would have to go to the hospital and they will have to untie the tubes and inplant the baby in the uterus. if you don't get help and get the baby moved into the uterus the baby will continue to stay in the tubes and die while there and you will end up miscarring and have surgery to remove. in some cases the mother dies from excess blood loss from tuble pregnancy if the matter is not taken care of quickly.
I started my search at my OB/GYN's office. She referred me to a few local doctors who can do Tubal Reversals, but they were all pretty expensive. So I took my search to the internet. There are several websites that list doctors by state. Go to Google or Yahoo and type Tubal Reversal in the search box. There are also several support sites on MSN and Yahoo Groups.
livin' on a prayer :) SAVE A PRAYER
doctors that untie tube womans
I would like to know if there is a doctor in the state of Missouri that can untie my tubes ? so I can get pregnant.
how much does it cost to get my tubes untied
Fallopian tubes can't be untied. What we call "tying" is actually a permanent procedure that either involves clamping or severing them.
Medicaid does not usually cover a reversal of a tubal ligation because it is an elective surgery, meaning not medically necessary.
it mostly runs to 5,000 to 6,000 but that is just for the surgery it doesnt count for the exam before u have the surgery you have to pay that sep.
yes there's always the possibility of you getting pregnant. Bu if you think you are go get tested then you might want to untie your tubes. (cut and Burned)
Just untie the string....
The present participle of "untie" is "untying."
There are only 2 syllables of untie, un - tie.
I mistakenly untied my shoes right after I tied them.She untied the horse and walked him to the barn. "Untie my hair ribbon for me," the girl asked.
I wish I knew the answer because I would like to know where you can get your tubes untied in Seattle, WA. take medical coupons also. I would like to get them untied in August of 2013