Okay i have completed all the episodes so if you need anymore questions i can answer them. She is a girl with black curly hair and she's reading a book. While I'm at it I've seen questions asking about where her locker is and her locker is where Oliver is standing.
she is at the back of the school. You need to get rid of oliver first then click on Kelly and she will give you a clue
Yes there is a Hannah Montana game for wii it is called" Hannah Montana"
its actually Kelly. She is at the back of the school p.s i have finished this game so you can keep asking questions and you will eventully find an answer.
Well, you can play it again if you want or play a different game.
she is at the back of the school. You need to get rid of oliver first then click on Kelly and she will give you a clue
She is just an extra character that they added for the game. She's never been on the show or anything like that.
rico isn't on the game
in the teachers room
Many common retailers such as Kohls, Game Stop, and Wal Mart sell the Hannah Montana game for Nintendo DS. It is also highly available from online sources such as Amazon and eBay.
outside all the stores
the outside of class rooms at the school. or the outside of stores at the mall
Yes there is a Hannah Montana game for wii it is called" Hannah Montana"
Hannah Montana does not come with Hannah Montana because she`s a real person and not a dolly that come with any particular game that says her name on it.
Of Course. If It Did Not Then Why Would They Call It The Hannah Montana PSP Bundle
You are Hannah/Miley
its actually Kelly. She is at the back of the school p.s i have finished this game so you can keep asking questions and you will eventully find an answer.