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Marilyn was born blonde, but as she got older it turned Mousey or a Dark brown color. If you look at a bunch of her older pictures then she still has her natural hair color because when she first began modeling she was Norma Jeane not Marilyn Monroe.

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Elvis was actually sandy brown to blonde. He colored his hair dark--almost jet black along with his chest hair

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Harlow's natural color was ash blonde, and had been pushed to a sliver white color with a mixture of clorox, peroxide, ammonia, and lux flakes soap powder.

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She was a brunette.

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Q: What was Elvis Presley's natural hair color?
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What color hair does Elvis Presley have?

His natural hair color was medium blond, but he died his hair black later in his life.

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The color of his hair is brown. You can see his natural color in his eyebrows.

Is blue hair a natural hair color?

No, blue hair is not a natural hair color. It is a color that is achieved through dyeing or coloring the hair.

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her natural hair color is blonde

Is blue a natural hair color?

No, blue is not a natural hair color in humans.

Why did Elvis color his hair?

I guess to appear younger for his fans.

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Adam Lambert's natural hair color is strawberry blond.

What is wade barrett's natural hair color?

That is his natural hair color, he doesn't dye it.

If you are born with red hair but it turs to brown what is your natural hair color?

Your natural hair color is red, even if it turns brown over time. The fact that you were born with red hair indicates that red is your natural hair color, as it was determined by your genetics at birth.

How can I ensure that I choose the correct hair color to get my hair back to the color that it naturally was?

Engage the services of a skilled hair colorist who can determine your natural hair color and then adjust your current color. As your natural color grows out, the line between the color and your natural hair won't be as noticeable.

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yes her hair natural color is blonde

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Erin Andrews natural hair color is blond.