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he is wearing converse?

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Q: What shoes does Billie Joe wear in holiday?
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He wear's size 10 in shoes.

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Who wear converse?

I wear converse so do Billie Joe Armstrong and Johnny Knoxville ... They are awesome!

3 famous blues singers?

Billie Holiday Big Joe Turner Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown

What is Havana Joe famous for?

Havana Joe is famous for his shoes. He had the best men shoes that there was. You could wear them to work professionally or unprofessionally. You could wear them out or even take a hike in them. Havana Joe made the best shoes ever.

Does Billie Joe Armstrong wear chinos?

For fun yes. But not when he want 2 be serious

Get Billie Joe Amstrong?

det billie joe Armstrong what???

Is billie joe Armstrong a nonbelever?

Believe it or not, Billie Joe is religious.

Does Billie Joe like Mexicans?

BIllie Joe accepts everyone!

What kind of shoes does Joe Jonas wear?

converse nike n shoes from urban outfitter :)