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13y ago
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13y ago

She is Mixed Race , But some people call Mixed Race Black People ... But She Is Mixed Race , If thats How she wants to be called .

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13y ago

black and mexican

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Marianna Goad

Lvl 2
5y ago

Yoes she is

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Q: What is zendaya mixed with?
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What nationality is Zendaya from?

She is mixed

What is Zendaya Coleman mixed with?

Zendaya Coleman is of an African American and Dutch descent.

Is Zendaya Coleman boyfriend mixed?

she does not have a boyfriend yes she does its adam i.

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Yes, jameia wadlington is related to zendaya coleman. You might not believe it but it's true. jameia is black and zendaya is mixed but they are related because theyre uncles are cousin's...people might not believe it but since shes mixed and jameia is black they can still be cousins. mix people still have black and white in them. this is from the real zendaya coleman and i posted this because people keep asking me that.

What is zendaya Colemans ethnicy?

Well her father is African American and her mother is Caucasian so she's mixed...

Is zendaya black Mexican or white?

She is actually mixed. Her mom is white and her dad is black. She is by no means mexican.

What skin color is zendaya?

Zendaya is mixed between white and black she is also biracial because her mom is white and her dad is black they got married and had Zendaya and she became mixed Zendaya is notified for black skin color not white.

Who plays rocky king on shake it up?

zendaya!A.K.A ROCKY BLUE ! :) (She is half black & half white---mixed)

Is rocky on shake it up black?

Zendaya is mixed. She is black on her father side (he is African) her mom is white of Dutch descent.

Is zendaya half zimbabwen?

she might be because her dad is zimbabwen I think . but I do now she is mixed, half black, half white .

Is zenday colmen black?

Zendaya Coleman is biracial, with a Black father and a White mother. She identifies as Black.

What is zendaya's full name?

Zendaya's full name is Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman.