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She is actually mixed. Her mom is white and her dad is black. She is by no means mexican.

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Q: Is zendaya black Mexican or white?
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What is Zendaya Coleman skin color?

Zendaya is biracial. her mom's white and her dad's black.

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her mom is black and her dad has not been on the show yet so we will have to wait and see

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Zendaya Coleman is African American (Dad's Side) and Dutch (Mom's Side), so she is likely to be either of both. She looks like she got a mix of both ethnicitys, considering her tan-to-white skin tone. She has a light skin tone, but it is a bit of tan :)

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yes her mom is white and her dad's black

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Zendaya Coleman is biracial, with a Black father and a White mother. She identifies as Black.

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You can put a relaxer in it or straighten it. Zendaya is Zimbabwean, Korean, Dutch, and Mexican. So she is half black which means her hair is naturally curly. Dutch means that she has some white in her, so she is mixed. If you look up "young Zendaya" on google images or something you can see her natural hair when she was young.

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Zendaya is supposedly 100% black. The people who play her parents on Shake it Up are very black, while she looks very white. The girl who plays her as a child on shake it up is very black. I think she is white and pretending to be black for Disney, who almost never has black stars. I have never seen a black person look so white.

Is Zendaya Coleman mixed?

yes she is 50% black and 50% white thats why she's a tan color.

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none he is black

What Zendaya favorite food?

I believe that it is Mexican.

Is rocky on shake it up black?

Zendaya is mixed. She is black on her father side (he is African) her mom is white of Dutch descent.

What is zendaya Colemans race?

A lot of people ask me this question. So i have an answer. Zendaya's race is Zimbabwean, Korean, Dutch, and Mexican. I researched what Zimbabwean was and it is in Central Africa. So she is black. Dutch means that she has some white in her, so she is mixed. She is also Mexican; that's why she has a squished face.