His name is grant
Logan was Wolverine's last name. His first name was James. actually his name was James Howlett he was born to a wealthy Canadian family in Alberta, the way he got the name Logan was he had to run away from the police with a girl named rose becausde they were convicted of killing his parents: the reason rose picked the name Logan for him was the people that caused it all to happen...their last name was Logan later on dog Logan...the son... trys to kill wolverine when wolverine's grandpa wants to make amends with him after sending him and rose away claiming the day wolverine's father died all of his family's bloodline was gone
What are the name of the member's in the GS Boys?
Zoey, Lola, chase, mark, Quinn, Logan, Nicole, Dana, Idk the new guys name
His name is Cory Logan Stevens. I think he changed his last name now though.
His name is grant
The full name of Tyler on Broke Straight Boys is Tyler White. Tyler White stars in pornographic movies and films.
His name is Scott Pruitt
There are several Jordans, which one ?
# Larry # Landon # Logan
Logan, Carlos, Kendall, and James! I like Kendall and Logan the best!
Yes, Logan is considered a unisex name, meaning it can be used for both boys and girls. The name originated from Scotland and has Celtic roots. It gained popularity as a first name in the United States in the 20th century and is now commonly used for both genders.
The boy who plays Percy is named Logan Lerman
Randy Logan's birth name is Randolph Logan.
The Greek name for Logan is "ΞΟΞ³ΞΊΞ±Ξ½" (pronounced as "LOH-gahn").
"Logan" does not have a specific meaning in Spanish as it is a name.