What Iyaz is trying to say is he doesn't want to do something solo. (Without his girlfriend!)
The song Solo by Iyaz was written in 2010.
The artist who made solo is Iyaz. The song came out in 2010.
Reggae fusion, R&B
i want it more
Solo - Iyaz song - was created in 2009.
The song Solo by Iyaz was written in 2010.
The song Solo by Iyaz came out on February 8, 2010 in the US and May 24, 2010 in the UK.
The artist who made solo is Iyaz. The song came out in 2010.
Jason derulo is a phony he copied off of iyaz.
Reggae fusion, R&B
no but IYAZ copied one of her songs and called it solo
The song Solo was released on February 8, 2010 in the U.S. and was released on May 24, 2010 in the UK.
Iyaz's first song was called Replay.