The purpose of avoiding sugars and starches in all forms during phase 3 is to allow our hypothalamus to reset properly. Without the reset of our hypothalamus, we would likely gain back all of the weight lost during phase 2, just like with every other diet.
Total slots per phase =12/3=4 slots to be occupied. Slots per pole per phase = 12/(3*4)=1 hence for A phase, the slots to be occupied are 1,4,7,10;for B phase, the slots to be occupied are 5,8,11,2;for C phase, the slots to be occupied are 9,12,3,6 and winding to we wave type.
it converts single phase ac to 3 phase ac we use it insteed of arno
Everything Nice. It's Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice. =3
The #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100 on 21 Sep 1969 was Sugar, Sugar by The Archies.
The coffee has zero but the sugar does. It's 3 points for 3tbsp of sugar, so 2 for 2tbsp.
You may have clams during phase 3 of the HCG diet.
Yes during phase 3 only.
You certainly can while bingeing (first 3 days), but not in phase 2 (500 calorie stint), and jury's out for phase 3. Some say you can, but use it sparingly, and others say avoid it due to the high sugar content.
Phase 3 is the 21 days immediately following phase 2. In phase 3 you can eat whatever you want as long as you avoid sugars (in any form other than fruit) & starches.
There are four phases of the hCG diet. I've included a brief intro here, but the full resources are in the related links. Phase 1 - beginning phase Phase 2 - strict 500 calorie diet/drops or injections Phase 3 - maintenance phase Also, possible to do another round of hCG for more weight loss You can see more at each additional related link below. Hopefully this helps.
Phase 3 of the HCG diet (also known as maintenance) is divided in to 2 phases, each lasting 21 days. The first half of this phase is called Maintenance 1 and during this phase you are allowed to eat anything you wish except for foods containing sugar/starches/flours. Some people have assumed this phase is identical to the "atkins" diet, but this is not true - on M1 you do not need to count carbohydrates - a majority of your calories will come from meat, vegetables and lower-sugar fruits during this phase. A list of foods for M1 is included in the related links section. Stay on M1 for 21 days. Your primary goal is stabilization. The second half of maintenance is called Maintenance 2. You will be slowly adding sugars and starches back in to your diet. Both phases need you to follow the 2-lb steak day rule: if you are more than 2 lbs over your last injection weight or your last drop weight, you need to do a steak day on that day.
i was told im 2-3 weeks and my hcg level is 1658
The healthy hcg level at 3 weeks is 5 - 50 mIU/ml
It means you are not pregnant or miscarried. HCG levels under 5 not pregnant. 5 and over pregnant. My HCG level was a 10 and went down to a 3 :(
For three weeks, on Phase 3,stay away from STARCH AND SUGAR! -- PEOPLE ARE CONFUSING THESE WITH CARBS! BIG DIFFERENCE,BECAUSE CARBS ARE BEING EATEN IN SOME FRUITS AND VEGGIES AND ALSO IN SOME CONDIMENTS,AS LONG AS THERE IS NO SUGAR IN THEM. After the three week period, gradually reintroduce healthy starches into your diet, such as beans, lentils. but go easy. Also have your BMR measured and stay under it to avoid weight gain.
Beer is considered a fat, which you are trying to completely cut out of your diet while on phase 2. for the 20-30 days you are in phase 2, you should refrain from beer completely. But once you hit phase 3... bottoms up!
Yes, carrots are allowed on the HCG diet, but not on the 500 calorie a day phase (phase 2) that lasts for minimum 23 days. Phase 1 (2 days) and phases 3 and 4 allow carrots.Carrots are NOT allowed on Phase 3. Here is a list of foods to void on Phase 3:HCG Diet Phase 3 - Foods to AvoidHigh Carbohydrate Fruits and VegetablesFruits and vegetables with high levels of carbohydrates (starches) are not allowed on Phase 3 of the HCG Diet. Here is a list of the foods to avoid: Acorn SquashBananasButternut squashCarrotsCornDried fruitMangosParsnipsPeasPlantainsPotatoesRoot VegetablesOther Foods to AvoidFoods that are high in sugar and starches should be avoided in Phase 3. Here is a list of other foods that should be avoided: BagelsBeansBiscuitsBreadBreaded foodsBrowniesBunsCakesCandyCanned fruitCerealsChocolateCookiesCool WhipCorn chipsCorn mealCornstarchCorn syrupCrackersCupcakesDonutsEnergy drinksFast foodFlourFrostingFruit juiceGrainsGranolaHoneyHot dogsIce creamKetchupKool-aidLentilsMaple syrupMuffinsOatmealPancakesPastaPiePita breadPolentaPopcornProcessedPotato chipsPretzelsPuddingRiceRollsSoda drinksTaco shellsTortillasVelveetaWhite flourYamsAlso, any processed or canned foods with added sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, MSG (sometimes called natural flavoring) or any kind of flours in them.Glycemic IndexNot all carbohydrate foods are created equal, in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels.Peanuts14Ravioli with meat39Wild rice57Artichoke15Cooked carrots39Apricots57Asparagus15Apple juice41White rice58Broccoli15Wheat kernels41Danish pastry59Cauliflower15White spaghetti42Cheese pizza60Celery15Black-eyed peas41Hamburger bun61Cucumber15All-Bran42Ice cream61Eggplant15Peaches42Shortbread64Green beans15Chickpeas42Rye bread64Lettuce15Oranges44Raisins64Peppers15Lentil soup44Macaroni & cheese64Snow peas15Carrot juice45Mars bar64Spinach15Macaroni45Black bean soup64Summer squash15Pineapple juice46Cake65Tomatoes15Instant rice46Steamed Potato65Zucchini15Grapes46Barley66Cherries22Carrots47Pineapple66Dried peas22Grapefruit juice48Green pea soup66Chocolate milk24Multi grain bread48Croissant67Bean sprouts25Baked beans48Sugar65Pearl barley25Porridge49Taco Shell68Grapefruit25Chocolate bar49Whole wheat bread69Whole milk27Jam49Shredded Wheat69Spaghetti27Whole grain50Mashed potatoes70Kidney beans29Cracked barley50White bread71Lentils green29Low fat ice cream50Golden Grahams71Soya milk30Yam51Millet71Pizza30Orange juice52Watermelon72Dried apricots31Kidney beans52Dinner rolls73Fat free milk32Lentils52Puffed wheat74Skimmed milk32Kiwi fruit53Chips75Fettuccine32Pound cake54Waffles76Peanut M&Ms32Bananas54Doughnut76Low fat yogurt33Sweet potatoes54Rice cakes77Chickpeas33Oat bran55Jelly beans80Rye34Brown rice55Pretzels81Vermicelli35Fruit cocktail55Rice Krispies82Wheat spaghetti37Popcorn55Cornflakes83Apples38Snickers55Baked potatoes85Pears38Muesli56Baguette95Tomato soup38Mangoes56Parsnips97Haricot beans38Potatoes56Glucose100Plums39Pita bread57Dates103