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At its most simple you ned a bow, arrows and a target. For safety reasons you also need to join an Archery club where you will be insured against possible harm or damage to other people.

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Bow and Arrow

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a bow and arrow

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Q: What does an archer use?
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Here are some things an archer might use:BowBracersBowstring

What does a archer use starting with b?

The archer would use a bow to fire an arrow into the air.

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What does an archer use that starts with b?

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How do you use arrows in a sentence?

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An archer fish breathes using gills. They get their name because they can use their gills to help them "spit" to shoot down their prey.

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An Archer. Just for the record, you do not "Play" at archery, it is a serious, highly skilled sport!

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no one knowns research it stupid

What did a archer do?

Use a bow an arrow to provide long distance deffence/ offence

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At which time?