Soldiers who mainly fired Arrows were called Archers.
At its most simple you ned a bow, arrows and a target. For safety reasons you also need to join an archery club where you will be insured against possible harm or damage to other people.
MLB player Chris Archer was born in Clayton, NC.
the red arrows is the best
fletcher. They made and sold arrows
The archer launched arrows at the target.
A bow and arrows.
bow and arrows
Someone with skill with a bow and arrows is called an archer. An expert would be the same hing but with an added "expert" or "master", being "an expert archer"or "a master archer.
An archer was a person who shot arrows from a simple bow. A person who used a crossbow was usually called a crossbowman. The astrological sign of Aquarius was sometimes called the Archer.
Anchor? holds something in place. Archer? uses a bow and arrows.
A good archer.
Sagittarius is a centaur that is also an archer. The word means "pertaining to arrows".
Someone who uses bow & arrow for shooting.
A longbow could shoot arrows up to 250 yards, depending on the skill of the archer and the type of arrow used.
In a quiver.
The Archer[bow and arrows being shot by man, if a woman , would signify Diana, the huntress].