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The archer's Quiver holds the arrows.

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7y ago

a archer carries his arrows in a quiver!

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How do you use arrows in a sentence?

The archer launched arrows at the target.

What is the weapon that an archer uses?

A bow and arrows.

What does an archer use that starts with b?

bow and arrows

What is a bow and arrow expert called?

Someone with skill with a bow and arrows is called an archer. An expert would be the same hing but with an added "expert" or "master", being "an expert archer"or "a master archer.

What did a medieval archer do?

An archer was a person who shot arrows from a simple bow. A person who used a crossbow was usually called a crossbowman. The astrological sign of Aquarius was sometimes called the Archer.

What does a archor do?

Anchor? holds something in place. Archer? uses a bow and arrows.

What do you call a person who shoots arrows very well?

A good archer.

What is the origin of the word Sagittarius?

Sagittarius is a centaur that is also an archer. The word means "pertaining to arrows".

What does archer mean?

Someone who uses bow & arrow for shooting.

How far could a longbow shoot arrows?

A longbow could shoot arrows up to 250 yards, depending on the skill of the archer and the type of arrow used.

What does Cupid carry his arrows in?

In a quiver.

What are the symbols for Sagittarius?

The Archer[bow and arrows being shot by man, if a woman , would signify Diana, the huntress].