The light is on because the air bag computer has detected a malfunction and set a code. The failure will have to be repaired to get the light off.
How to change the brake switch on a 2004 Jeep grand Cherokee Laredo
The grand Cherokee is a body style, sport is a trim package that is used on all jeep models(wrangler, Cherokee, grand Cherokee, patriot, ...)
The check engine light on a 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee looks like this... Here is a link Check Engine Light It looks like a little yellow engine.
The 2007 Jeep Grand-Cherokee has 12 valves.
No light on 95-96 cherokee. Thay are a self-contained unit.
How to change the brake switch on a 2004 Jeep grand Cherokee Laredo
The airbag light comes on at start up for a bulb check. It stays on when the computer detects a malfunction and sets a code.
The light comes on when the computer detects an electrical failure. Have the system diagnosed by a trained technician. The airbag system is not for the diy'r.
The airbag light stays on when the computer has detected a malfunction and set a code. The failure will need to be repaired before the light will shut off.
pull the fuse
Under centre console, next to park brake lever
Jeep Grand Cherokee was created in 1993.
No such part on a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee.No such part on a 2002 Jeep Grand Cherokee.
I have a 2001 Cherokee sport and all the gaunges will drop to 0 while im on the highway as well.. the only light that is on is the "Airbag light"