How to change the brake switch on a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo
If equipped, it is above the liftgate glass.
Sounds like your parking brake is on... this can also be an indicator that your brake fluid is very low
To reset the oil change required light: turn key on, engine off; press gas pedal to the floor three times; cycle key.
There is a dead short to ground in the circuit.
your left and right bulbs are problay bad they are two filament bulbs the park filiments are good and the brake filament is bad
They aren't. The brake light circuit is not connected with the headlight circuit.
How do you install passenger tail light kit for a 2004 grand cherokee?
The 1993 Jeep grand Cherokee brake light switch simply plugs in and out. The brake light switch is located beneath the dashboard on the drivers side of the engine compartment.
Because the oil is low.
When there are beeping noises and the check gauges light on a Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo it means there is a problem. The vehicle will need to be stopped and all of the fluids need to be checked immediately.
Check the bulbs in case they have fused, next check the fuse, and finally it could be the brake light switch which may need replacing
The brake light fuse on a 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee can be found by looking at the cover to the main fuse box. It identifies each fuse and its location.
parking break is on or low break fluid
try unscrewing the back light covers and replacing the lights
A short in the brake light circuit.
The distributor is set to zero with a scan tool. It is not done with a timing light.