It seems like 2-D and Murdoc hate each other, but they are friends in a somewhat small way. Noodle and Murdoc are like father and daughter. 2-D and Noodle have a Zen bond, which means they are like real close friends, or they could date.
2D Murdoc Niccals Noodle Russel Hobbs
Russel (Drums) Murdoc (Bass) Noodle (Lead Guitar) 2D (Vocals/Keyboard)
If you mean has romantic feelings for, he doesn't have any. However, he idolizes yet despises Murdoc, has a zen bond with Noodle and is seen as her older brother, and Russel is a good friend.
Murdoc, 2-D, Noodle, and Russel.
NO, 2d and noodle are not related 2D is from Crawley , England & Noodle is from Osaka, Japan
2D Murdoc Niccals Noodle Russel Hobbs
Russel (Drums) Murdoc (Bass) Noodle (Lead Guitar) 2D (Vocals/Keyboard)
Murdoc did, because he had to have another guitar player since the real Noodle was gone. If Murdoc wanted to go on creating music, he had to have a replacement for Noodle.
It's more of Murdoc Niccals loving Noodle, seeing as he was in a previous band with her. He also later (after losing her in EL MANA) created a cyborg version which gives the impression that he missed her, however, rumours have it he just created it for a slave. But considering that he was the one who got her into hell (and apparently getting her out), it seems unlikely. It's also doubtful that Murdoc and 2D are likely to break out in an argument over Noodle... In fact, although they seem like fighters, they are actually really good pals. In "The eel" they look argumentative, whereas behind all that if you type in on youtube "Murdoc and 2d's best moments" you'll see why.
Well,Noodle came from Japan and came by in a FedEx crate.She didn't know any English but all the band (2D,Murdoc,and Russell) knew what she was saying was "Noodle" so they called her Noodle.But her real unknown.
If you mean has romantic feelings for, he doesn't have any. However, he idolizes yet despises Murdoc, has a zen bond with Noodle and is seen as her older brother, and Russel is a good friend.
Murdoc, 2-D, Noodle, and Russel.
NO, 2d and noodle are not related 2D is from Crawley , England & Noodle is from Osaka, Japan
Well Gorillaz is a band where the people that play the music are different for different songs. This means that there isn't people in a band as such. However, they have an animated band (the one you see in the music video) which consists of the characters Murdoch, Noodle, 2D and Russell.
There are no boyfriend/girlfriend relationships. They are all friends. However, Murdoc despises 2-D but 2-D has idolized Murdoc and yet hates him from what he has done. Murdoc has slept with Paula who was 2-D's girlfriend at the time and was the reason for the break up of his next girlfriend. Noodle and 2-D have a zen bond as well.
As an experienced educator, I must clarify that the question lacks context and is likely based on a misunderstanding or a joke. In the realm of mathematics and physics, "2D" typically refers to two-dimensional space, while "noodle" commonly refers to a type of food. Therefore, it is not possible for two abstract concepts like "2D" and "noodle" to engage in dating as they are not sentient beings capable of forming relationships.
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