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Q: I feel drunk but im sober I'm young and what is the next lyric?
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How does cocaine make you sober when you're drunk?

It doesn't. It just makes you feel more alert. Your faculties remain impaired, and you are even more likely to do something else stupid. The only thing that can sober you up is time.

Im 15 and i had my first kiss Friday with the prettiest girl in our highschool.She's a senior and 18 i was drunk while she was sober and i cant remember there a way to tell her how i feel?

Well,how do you feel?If she was sober and she kissed you,that means she might like you.Just ask her how she felt when you two kissed.

Will Coffee make an impaired driver sober.?

No, it does not, it just makes you more awake instead of falling asleep ( it is called being a wide awake drunk) No. It makes you more alert but the alcohol in your system is processed by the body at the same rate whether you drink coffee or not.

What is considered as the hardest thing to clean?

I think for some it is the boredom associated with a clean and sober life. When you are high or drunk your mind does not think about boredom so much as when you are sober. It is also hard to kick the feelings that you feel when you are in the altered state of mind.

How can you stop being an emotional drunk?

Well this is something that cannot be done from me typing you a simple answer. I first recommend that you seek counseling or AA meetings. You need to find out what is causing you the pain that makes you feel compelled to drink. Then you need to consult the emotions you feel when you are drunk and figure out how to deal with them when you are sober.

If my husband of 7 years says wants to be with me when he's sober but says he doesn't want to be with me when he's drunk or mad what should I believe?

Remember that drunk people are often very different from their true selves. You should talk to him about how his attitude when drunk makes you feel, and convince him to cut back or at least keep it under control.

How do you deal with an emotional drunk If your boyfriend or girlfriend calls you while drunk and starts fights and then puts themselves down how do you go about dealing with that?

When you see them and they are sober, explain that you will no longer accept phone calls from them when they are drunk. Tell them how it makes you feel. And, then when they do call, and you recognize they are drunk, state that you did tell them that you would not be taking phone calls from them when they have been drinking and gently hang up. When they don't get the fix of having you listen, they will stop calling.

Will a guy that has feelings for you admit that he does when he is drunk or deny it because he is way to scared of the truth?

It has been my experience that when people are drunk their inhibitions are lessened and so they are more prone to tell you how they truly feel about feelings and situations. I had an exboyfriend who used to call me when he was out drinking with his friends and tell me how much he loved me, but he would never say it when he was sober. He always treated me lovingly but had a problem saying it when sober. I have a tendency to think that if they say it when they are drunk they probably mean it although there is some reason why they don't feel they can say it when sober. Sometimes that is an issue that ruins the relationship. Actions in relation to alcohol are also a separate issue altogether. Because people have a tendancy to make bad choices when under the influence. We are also not talking about someone who has a drinking problem (alcoholism) here. That is a whole other issue. I hope that helps.

What 80s song has the lyric feel it in the air?

i can feel it coming in the air tonight by phill Collins

Why was he trying to invite me out when drunk but when he is sober he doesn't look at me or try to invite me Out anywhere?

The most probable reason is he is shy and when he drinks too much his inhibitions are slack and he feels more comfortable with you. When sober he is probably too shy to invite you out. The best thing to do is when he is alone sit down with him and tell him how you feel. Good communication skills save a lot of trouble in relationships.

How do you come out to yourself?

Make out with a person of the same sex sober and see how you feel.

What if you feel high?

then ur drunk.