Do you ask this question a lot? I do about my best friend but they answer is THEY DO!
Like the Deserts Miss the Rain was created in 2003.
punch that btch in the cnt but you have to hit her pretty hard though. DO NOT miss if you miss run like hll
I can think of two songs both entitled "I Miss You." The first one is by Sade who sings "I miss you, like the desert miss the rain." The other is "I Miss You" by Brian McKnight. Both are really beautiful songs. Delimomma
Excuse Me Miss
The symbol for miss in bowling is a dash like this [ - ]
"tu me plais" is "I like you," and "tu me manques" is "I miss you."
Like the Deserts Miss the Rain was created in 2003.
Actually someone must miss anything.. Like myself, I miss my mother..
I miss you is just in general. I miss your voice, smile, laugh, etc. I miss seeing you means they miss seeing you like your physical appearances that satisfy them!
Tomak/Apu'nak MIss Ko'risu .. (In Present Tense) the original is -'Tumarloi monot porise'
The English verb miss has been incorporated into Swahili. Nakumiss, I miss you, and Nakumiss sana, I miss you a lot, or very much (I miss you like crazy). In text messages and emails it is usually spelled, strangely, mic: Nakumic.
if you like them too tell them u miss them to and get together with them :D
"I miss you like crazy" in Korean is "미치도록 그리워."
It means miss, like I miss you is "te extraño."
Just say i miss you too :)
A bumder