In the words of Tu Pac "Fook no "
Yes. He took a shot in the groin in 1994, and lost one ball.
to sell it, it is against the law.
Napoleon basically says that there is no longer a need for the song because the rebellion is over. Really though, Napoleon no longer favors the words to the song. The song speaks to animal freedom and equality, Napoleon wants none of that. Napoleon wants absolute power.
Napoleon meets Beethoven, when he invaded Vienna, after the fifth Coalition.
No, napoleon had 2 tesetecals not one if anyone thinks he did, your crazy because he had a son yet Adolf Hitler did have one testecall.
Arnold Schwarznegger, Hitler, Napoleon and Lance Armstrong.
I highly doubt his... "testies" are in a museum in britain
Yes, as long as the testicle is functioning properly then you can reproduce with one testicle.
Yes, he has only one testicle.
yes you can (I did)
Can a man with one testicle breed? The answer is YES
Many males have a testicle , which is larger then the other one.
A guy with one testicle will have the same change in his voice that he would have if he had two.
Yes, the vet has removed only one testicle from the animal.
Depends on which he in the northern or southern hemisphere?
Either testicle is capable of getting a female pregnant. Even a male with only one testicle can get a female pregnant.