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Even if you received a ticket for a violation, you can still receive another ticket for the same violation the next day and on as many days at the violations continue. If you are waiting for a mechanism of resolution by mail, then you should not be driving the vehicle until that mechanism is applied.

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Q: Can you get a 2nd ticket for dislpaying expired tags while you wait for the license plate sticker to come in the mail?
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In Illinois Can you get a ticket for driving someone else's car with an expired license plate sticker?

Oh, yeah, you sure can.

How much is expired inspection sticker in Texas?

The ticket for an expired inspection sticker is $152, the cost to get it renewed is $14.50.

Can you get ticket with insurance but expired license?

You have insurance and drivers license is expired can you be ticketed

How much is an expired tag ticket in Louisiana?

As of 4/29/13 a ticket for expired tag is $159 in Shreveport, LA and expired inspection sticker is $50.

Who gets the ticket for an expired ma inspection sticker the owner or the driver?

The owner of the car gets the ticket. I just got a ticket two days ago while driving my mothers car that had an expired registration sticker. The ticket was for $50. It did however list me as the operator on the ticket.

Can you get a ticket in Colorado for having an expired Texas inspection sticker?


Who is responsible for a ticket while driving someone else's car with expired sticker?

you are

How much is expired inspection sticker ticket in Mississippi?

$50 Maximum, No Minimum

How much is expired inspection sticker ticket in Massachusetts?

50.00 just received on today

Your car got totaled will the insurance company pay for it if though the inspection sticker is expired?

Yes. The reason being is insurance covers the car not the person. So whether that person chooses to drive around with an expired license or an expired plate sticker is on them. You will still get a ticket for those violations, but you will have insurance and the insurance company will abide by everything in the insurance contract.

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In Mass. can you get a ticket for driving someone else's car with an expired inspection sticker?