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Cam Gidganet was asked to play Emmett first but he asked to play James this is from official sources although there are rumors that Stephanie Meyer asked for the swap etc. Hope that helps... I think Kellan Lutz is way hotter anyway so we get another 3 movies of him out the deal! :P

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15y ago
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14y ago

Hayden Christensen, Robert Pattinson, Orlando Bloom and Gerard Way were considered for the role of Edward Cullen in the Twilight movies.

I knew a few of them but forgot, I know that Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) was up for the part, though.

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Robert Pattinson. da
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13y ago

Peter Facinelli was not originally cast as Carlisle Cullen, but another actor in his mid 40's. Peter bought a vampires of Hollywood book and gave it to Cathrine Hardwicke (Twilight's director) and sent it to her with a note that said 'I hope that we can work together some other time.' When the other actor's schedule didn't work out, Peter was cast as Carlisle. The name of the original actor is not ever mentioned.


Peter also jokes that he spent $29.95 to get the role!

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15y ago

Kellan Lutz played Emmett Cullen, the strongest vampire in the Cullen family.

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15y ago

Kellan Lutz plays Emmett Cullen in Breaking Dawn.

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11y ago

Emmet Cullen from the Twilight Saga is played by actor Kellan Lutz. Kellan is also an American fashion model. He was born March 15, 1985 in Dickinson, North Dakota.

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16y ago

Kristin Stewart.

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Q: Who was originally cast as dr carlisle Cullen?
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Who is Dr.. Cullen?

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Who is peter facinelli in twilight?

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What is the name of the actor that plays Dr Carlisle Cullen in the Twilight?

Peter Facinelli

What is carlisle real name?

Carlisle's real name is Dr. Carlisle Cullen. He is a fictional character from the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer.

What is Esme Cullen's age before she became a vampire?

Esme Cullen was 26 when she became a vampire. She was born in 1895 and was turned into a vampire by Dr Carlisle Cullen (her now husband) in 1921.

Who really is Carlisle Cullen?

Carlisle Cullen is a doctor in The Twilight Saga, written by Stephenie Meyer. He is known as Dr. Cullen as a doctor. Blood does nothing to him, nor does it intrigue him to kill a human to get some. Carlisle is a father to Edward, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and Alice Cullen. All of the children are not his real children, they were adopted by Carlisle because he was saving them by turning them into vampires. He is also the husband to Esme Cullen. He is the grandfather of Reneesmee Cullen, Edward and Bella's daughter that was born in Breaking Dawn. And, he is the father-in-law of Isabella Cullen, Edward's wife. Carlisle is a vegetarian vampire, as well as his family, which means that they do not strive for human's blood.

What is edward dad name in twilight?

edward was named after his biological father, so his father's name is edward Anthony masen, the first. once he has been adopted as a vampire, his new father is dr. carlisle Cullen.

Doctor Who treats Bella after the accident?

What accident? When Edward leaves it is Dr. Gerandy. All other times, it is Dr. Carlisle Cullen. After she wrecks the motorcycle, it is Dr. Snow