i think it is da king loui da 16th or whoever cos he never cared abt being aking properly. while french peasants wr starving he was eating in royal banquets...
abt da traitor part....he n hs queen tried to escape 2 Austria n send sum army 4rm austria 2 France..against his own ppl...dis was treason...so he got da chop...bye bye loui....
The duration of Traitor - film - is 1.9 hours.
The Traitor - 1911 I was released on: USA: 10 May 1911
The Traitor - 1924 was released on: USA: 30 August 1924
nothing was the poop master! someone thinks it is funny, but its just stupid. that person wrote that the poop master was george washington! theyre pretty stupid!
Fulton, NY
That question is a matter of opinion.
Hell Yeah, Metallica is awesome and anyone who does not have Master of Puppetts on vinyl is traitor. **** you Mother******!
The French word for master is "maître".
Benedict Arnold is considered by many to be the biggest traitor in American history. He was an American general during the Revolutionary War who betrayed his country.
To say "my master" in French, you would say "mon maître."
Young master is "jeune maître" in French.
refused to open the case A+LS
Because he was trator and they did not want to remember a traitor
He is not. Winners write history. Don't believe evertything you read.
history of french knot
You can say "Bonjour Maître" in French to greet someone as "Hello Master."