If you're talking about the one where Brian finds out he has a son named Dylan when he goes to see his ex Tracy Flannigan, the episode's called 'The Former Life of Brian' (UK Season 8/US Season 7).
"Cars" by Gary Numan. (Although Stewie didn't sing the real lyrics.)
Amanda Bynes played the voice of Anna (Chris' girlfriend) in the episode "Long John Peter".
He's the Griffin family's alcoholic talking dog as well as peters best friend in Family Guy.
the episode when peter and Louis get Chris and Meg a boyfriend/girlfriend
Joe Swanson is the wheelchair-bound paraplegic cop on Family Guy.
Brians cousin
Family Guy - 1999 The Man with Two Brians 7-5 was released on: USA: 9 November 2008 Hungary: 8 April 2010
The Man w/ Two Brians (Season Seven)
You can go onto http://www.watch-family-guy-online.com/season-6/episode-2-movin-out-brians-song/ to watch it online for free
The Man with Two Brians
Season 7|Episode 5 The Man With Two Brians
"Barely Legal" from Season 05 also "The Man With Two Brians" from Season 07
The former name of Rhode Island.
Family Guy - 1999 The Former Life of Brian 6-11 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:13+ (Quebec)
"Cars" by Gary Numan. (Although Stewie didn't sing the real lyrics.)
Chris was dating Kate Moss.
In "Barely Legal"