Because Hollywood failed to do any homework before naming the movie. All of the gods in the film are Olympians, not Titans.
Out of Chaos came Uranus and Gaea.
They moved from Houston to Tennessee before the 1997 season and in 1997 they were the Tennessee Oilers. At the start of the 1999 season they officially became the Tennessee Titans.
Clash of the Titans then Wrath of the Titans .
in Greek mythology before the gods where born the titans ruled the earth.
Cronus ruled over the titans.
the Titans
No, actually Titans were before the gods so the Titans ruled I guess, until Zeus (if you were talking Greek Mythology) overthrew the Titan Lord, Kronos (Which was in fact his father).
The timelord titan Kronos ruled before Zeus dethroned him.
Gaea and Ouranous were the 1st. They were the parents of the Titans
At first, the titans ruled the gods.(gods were son and daughters of kronos, titian king) Then, Zeus overthrew Kronos (Cronus) and the gods ruled.
Before Zeus, The Titans, offspring with other creatures of Gaea and Uranos, ruled with Kronus at their helm. The time was known as the "Golden Age"
uranus is the sky itself. before the gods or the titans the universe was ruled by uranus the sky and terra the earth
In Greek mythology, the Titans were powerful beings who ruled before the Gods. In a battle between Titans and Gods, it is believed that the Gods would ultimately prevail due to their divine powers and abilities.
The Titans, also known as the elder gods, ruled the earth before the Olympians overthrew them. The ruler of the Titans was Cronus who was de-throned by his son Zeus. Most of the Titans fought with Cronus against Zeus and were punished by being banished to Tartarus. During their rule the Titans were associated with the various planets.