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Out of Chaos came Uranus and Gaea.

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Q: What came before the Titans in Greek mythology?
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Was Zeus a Titan in Greek mythology?

No, Zeus was not a Titan in Greek mythology. He was a god, specifically the king of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus. The Titans were a race of powerful deities that came before the Olympian gods, including Zeus.

Is titan a god or goddess?

A titan is neither a god or a goddess. Titans came before the gods in Greek mythology, they were the some of the gods' parents. They came from Ouranus and Gaea, the sky and the earth.

What was the difference between Titans and Olympians?

The Titans were the Olympians Parents (eg Kronus was father of Zues, Posiedon and Hades) so basically they were the first gods of Greece----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In Greek mythology, the Titans came first, their children became Gods AKA Olympians, so Titans where the first race in Greek mythology and Olympians came second and later took over and ruled over the Titans.

Does Titanic mean huge?

Not quite - the name Titantic came from the Titans in Greek mythology. A titan was a symbol of power.

The word Titanic came from?

It refers to the Titans of Greek Mythology. The word "Titanic" has come to mean very large, massive or colossal.

Where did the Greek Titan Atlas live?

The Titans were the elder gods. They came before the lesser gods, which are the gods of mythology. Two of the most famous Titans were Atlas and Prometheus.

Is Zeus a titan?

No, Zeus is not a Titan. He is a god in Greek mythology, specifically the king of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus. The Titans are a separate group of gods that came before the Olympian gods, including Zeus.

Who came before Cronos in Greek mythology?

I'm pretty sure no one did. Cronos is the Titan of time and the father of all the other Titans and Gods. Plus, I'm pretty sure "Cronos" is spelled with a "K". Kronos.

Goals of Hades the Greek God?

He wanted to get revenge on the Titans who came before the Greek gods. He was Zeus and Poseidon brother but he was jealous that he was not the king of the gods and sky

What did the ancient Greeks find out about the universe?

According to their mythology, There was first chaos. Then came Uranus and Gaea. They parented the titans. The titans parented the olympians.

Is there a book called clash of the titans the story about film that just came out with sam worthington in it?

There's not a specific book that this movie is based on. However it is a remake of the 1981 film Clash of the Titans. Both are based on Greek mythology, and the story of Zeus's son Perseus. A good source for Greek mythology are Edith Hamilton's books, specifically Mythology. For a completely modernized retelling of this myth and similar ones you can also read/watch Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

What was Juptier's other name in greek mythology?

Jupiter was the Roman name for Zeus, King of the Gods, in Greek Mythology. Zeus actually came before Jupiter. The Romans took the personalities of Greek gods for their own, just with different names.