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joe pasquale

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Andy Serkis, who played Gollum/Smeagol.

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Q: Who is the male comedian with high pitched voice?
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Related questions

What is a male voice?

A high male voice is a voice that a man has that is high pitched. Some men have higher voices than others even after growing up, and going through puberty.

How do you spell saprono?

The likely word is soprano (high-pitched male voice).

You are a 24 male with a high pitched voice Is there any private ways you can change your voice?

uuummm i take it a guy that's 24 and has a high pitched voice is asking this ?. I'd have to say no a person (male) can't really do anything about their voice no matter what age. your voice will start to develope into a more "manly" voice by to you-HAHAHA

What song has a high pitched male voice singing baaaby baaaby?

Baby by: Justin Bieber

What is the medium pitched male voice for singing?

The medium pitch for male voice is the BARITONE.

Why can a very large adult male have a high pitched voice?

cuz they got kicked in the cahonies when they were younger

What is a high male voice?

A high male voice refers to a voice that has a higher pitch or frequency range compared to other male voices. This type of voice is often associated with tenors in the realm of classical music, but can also be heard in various other vocal styles and genres.

Can a male singer sing a high pitched voice?

In case Micheal Jackson and other overly feminine sounding singers aren't enough, try kicking Justin Bieber in the balls. If that's not high pitched enough, I don't know what is!

What is justin Bieber's real gender?

I assume it is a girl because it is short, has long hair, and has a high-pitched voice.

Is piko a girl or boy?

Piko is a male Vocaloid character. He is often portrayed as a young boy with a high-pitched singing voice.

What is a high male singing voice?


What is the name of a high male singing voice?
