Homer, Marge, Lisa & Maggie have [so far] appeared in every Simpson episode.
Bart has been in all but one, Four Great Women and a Manicure.
Marge had no lines in Krusty Gets Kancelled.
Lisa had no lines in Chief of Hearts
Go to WTSO.Net. That's where you can watch almost all of The Simpsons episodesgo on youtube.com and type in simpsons episode...... watevaprobably youtubeiwatchsimpsonsonline.com
You can buy it on prime video or watch it on Disney+ if you have it.
As of July 2016 Power Rangers has had 817 episodes, Pokémon has 930 episodes, Dragon Ball has 153 episodes, Dragon Ball Z has 291 episodes, Dragon Ball GT has 64 episodes and The Simpsons have a total of 596 episodes however if you were to add the episode numbers together for all of the shows then overall they would have a total of 2,851 episodes.
Someone wishing to watch The Simpsons television show for free online can do so on many different sites. Sites like wtso dot net, watchingonlinefree, and hulu are all good sites to watch for free.
Season 1, Episode 18, The One With All The Poker.
Go to WTSO.Net. That's where you can watch almost all of The Simpsons episodesgo on youtube.com and type in simpsons episode...... watevaprobably youtubeiwatchsimpsonsonline.com
There is about 100. You can go onto www.wikipedia.com and type in "list of the Simpsons characters" and you will find all of them, even guest characters
If you live in america, you can watch all episodes legally and free on the simpsons website.
watch all episodes
You can buy it on prime video or watch it on Disney+ if you have it.
As of July 2016 Power Rangers has had 817 episodes, Pokémon has 930 episodes, Dragon Ball has 153 episodes, Dragon Ball Z has 291 episodes, Dragon Ball GT has 64 episodes and The Simpsons have a total of 596 episodes however if you were to add the episode numbers together for all of the shows then overall they would have a total of 2,851 episodes.
all of them. girls are in every inuyasha episode.
dude start from episode 373!
Many people have their own opinions, including myself, about which episodes of The Simpsons are the best.In my opinion, all episodes are great... but some just take the cake over others, and shine out of all the rest. My personal favourite episodes are those of the mid-seasons, like seaons 6-10.Many have noticed that as the years go on, episodes of the simpsons are becoming worse and worse. I believe this too, and I like to stay true to some of the more older, classic, original episodes.To the best of my knowledge there is no exact best simpsons episodes; everyone has there own opinion. However, according to most sources, some of the best episodes made include:Lisa's wedding, Cape Feare, who shot mr. Burns, Homer's phobia, the Cartridge family, homer's enemy. (Homer's enemy is one of my all time favourites!)I agree with most of these.personally i think that all singing all dancing is like awesome(new person) i love all the treehouse of Horror episodes, hey Halloween!!!the simpsons movieThey are all good! :DWatch them and decide for yourselfThe last temptation of homer. And wandering juviee.the best episode is when Bart goes in a band with Nelson, martin and milhouse. the Party pose. and the sing Drop da bomb, yvan eht nioj.
All of the characters (except God & Jesus) have three fingers & a thumb.
I prefer the Main Theme of The Simpsons because all those other tunes aren't The Simpsons and are not great but the Main Theme is way better then any other of the themes, so please if theres any 2013-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 episodes return to the Main Theme of the simpsons on Lisas Saxaphone!