In the sinnoh dex it is feebas you can see it on route 222. A sailor has it.
Heatran is a ledgendary in Pokemon platinum.
There's no Route 505 in Pokemon Platinum.
The routes in Pokemon Platinum begin in the 200s.
There is not a route 233 on Pokemon platinum.
no one no trainer has a kingdra in Pokemon platinum exept for me :P
mt. cornet
numbers 138 and 139 are Feebas and Milotic.
get an action replay and get a code for that Pokemon
Pokemon #138 in the Sinnoh Dex is Feebas, which can be found under the ownership of a fishermannear Sunnyshore City.
i think national is Omanyte and sinnoh is Feebas
if you mean which Pokemon is #138 in Pokemon Emerald it is Jiggleypuff in the Hoenn Pokedex or Omanyte if you have the National Pokedex
Hinbass?Haha,it is bone hard.See this page:
In the Sinnoh Pokedex it is Feebas and Milotic, however, in the National Pokedex it is Omanyte and Omastar.
Number 138 is Omanyte. Source(s):