In the Sinnoh Pokedex it is Feebas and Milotic, however, in the National Pokedex it is Omanyte and Omastar.
Pokemon #138 in the Sinnoh Dex is Feebas, which can be found under the ownership of a fishermannear Sunnyshore City.
Hinbass?Haha,it is bone hard.See this page:
ok i dont know if you mean sinnoh dex or national dex. sinnoh 138/ Feebas national 138/Omanyte
get an action replay and get a code for that Pokemon
i think national is Omanyte and sinnoh is Feebas
Pokemon #138 in the Sinnoh Dex is Feebas, which can be found under the ownership of a fishermannear Sunnyshore City.
mt. cornet
numbers 138 and 139 are Feebas and Milotic.
Number 138 is Omanyte. Source(s):
if you mean which Pokemon is #138 in Pokemon Emerald it is Jiggleypuff in the Hoenn Pokedex or Omanyte if you have the National Pokedex
In the sinnoh dex it is feebas you can see it on route 222. A sailor has it.
Hinbass?Haha,it is bone hard.See this page: