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You can find them in some Hot Topics, but your best bet is online.

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14y ago

I own some. They are for sale everywhere I go. Ebay more than likely.

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Q: Where can you find Team Jacob pants?
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Team edward team Jacob how abot team shut the f up?

Team Jacob all the way babe!!!!!! Jacob is so fine... Nd he got a way better body than edward!!!

Is Selena Gomez team edward or team Jacob?

Selena Gomez is definitely team Jacob becuz they are like the best of friends

Who has got more votes team Jacob or team edwars?

team edward!!!

When did Jacob become a vampire?

Jacob never does become a Vampire, Jacob imprints on a half human, half vampire if what you were thinking about. That is why there is teams, Team Jacob (werewolf) and Team Edward (vampire) I don't think they would screw up that up with Jacob becoming a Vampire.

Which store can you find a twilight movie backpack?

Hot Topic! I just got one yesterday for the new school year! I'm so excited to use it! They have ones that say Team Edward, Team Jacob, and Twilight. I got the Twilight one because I'm Team Edward but I like Jacob too. Hope I helped!

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Team jacob <333333333333333333333333333333 team jacob <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 jacob jacob jacob team jacob <333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Do you want to be on team Jacob?

I don't WANT to be on Team Jacob...I AM on Team Jacob.....

Should you be team Jacob or team Edward?

Team Jacob

What is the percentage for team edward to team Jacob?

73% = Team Edward 27% = Team Jacob

Which team are you on Jacob or edward I am totally on team Jacob no offense to lovers of edward but Jacob rules?

I am totaly on team Alice! who's with me!

Does Team Jacob exist?

Yes. The two main Twilight 'teams' are Team Edward, and Team Jacob.

What is the debate between Team Jacob or Team Edward?

The 'Team Jacob/Team Edward' debate is about the two male characters from Stephenie Meyer's bestselling Twilight Saga. In this series, the main character, Bella Swan, falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen. A werewolf, Jacob Black, is also in love with her. Fans of this series usually choose a 'side' in the heated debate- Team Edward or Team Jacob, depending on who they think Bella should have chosen, and/or who they find more appealing.

What if you want to be on team Jacob and team edward what team are you on?

i would be on team Jacob cause edward is a bloodsucker OVER A HUNDRED YEARS

What actors and actresses appeared in My Pants - 2011?

The cast of My Pants - 2011 includes: Jacob Russell Ethan Russell

What does Jacob do when Bella picks edward in The Twilight Saga?

Jacob runs off like a little sucky pants.

Who here is team Jacob?

I so am! Team Jacob all the way!OMG I

What is a website you can take the quiz to find out if im on team edward or team Jacob without having to give your phone number out? (Really, I did it but it said I was team Switzerland :) Qubblo, its totally fun! ok seriously you should know if you r team Jacob or team edward you shouldn't havt to take a test