The song that you're looking for is Julie (Do Ya Love Me) by Bobby Sherman (not Judy)
El Tango de Roxanne has those lyrics
I was born in love with you I will die in love with you
Lyrics born/ I like it I love it
it's called "love will keep us together" by captain & tennille
You can find lyrics to the song "Mighty Clouds Of Joy" from many different online sources. These include but are not limited to Lyrics Mode, Song Lyrics and You Tube.
There is a song from the movie cruel intentions that has similar lyrics. Its called love fool and its by the cardigans. there are no songs with those lyrics but there are some that have love in them
The song by Sting is "My One and Olny Love", has these lyrics.
song lyrics? you havnt exactly said what song lyrics to what?
Is this Love Awesome song ♥
The lyrics to the song Rosa Rosa are about love and romance. It is a romantic love song in Spanish that talks about a lost love and the pain that it caused.
What song sung by sting has lyrics my one and only love in it
i love him like i love song baby:selena gomez
One can find the lyric to the song Tainted Love on various online websites. Sing 365, Metro Lyrics, A-Z lyrics, eLyrics and Song Meanings are online websites which have the lyrics to Tainted Love.
I think their was a Beatle song like tht had those lyrics in it. My chorus sang it for our school and they luved it!
Nicki Minaj Your love
The song with those lyrics is "The Power of Love."
There are several websites that specialize in song lyrics. The lyrics for "One Love" by Blue can be found on Metro Lyrics, Lyrics007, AZLyrics, and Sing365.