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Onix does not evolve at any level. If traded while holding a Metal Coat in Pokemon Gold or later, it will evolve into Steelix.

You can't evolve an Onix by leve.l You have to let Onix hold Metal Coat and trade it, then it will evolve into Steelix.

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6y ago
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16y ago

It doesn't evole at any particular level. To get it to evolve you need to trade it while it's holding a Metal Coat.This is one of the major downers of pokemon.No one really wants to take the time to trade with someone just for an evolution. Pokemon should just stick with leveling up.EGGS!

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14y ago

onix does not evolve levelwise.To get steelix you must trade an onix that is holding a metal coat.Hope this helps:D

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13y ago

Onix doesn't evolve by level, but by holding a Metal Coat and then traded. The level doesn't matter btw.

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13y ago

Never, you need to trade Onix with a Metal coat to make it a Steelix

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15y ago

Onix evolves when traded while holding metal coat

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12y ago

You have to trade it holding a Metal Coat. Then it will evolve into Steelix.

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14y ago

Level 38

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Q: What level does Onix evolve at?
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What level will onix evolve in Pokemon Silver?

Onix does not evolve by level. It can evolve by being traded while holding metal coat.

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Onix can only evolve through trading it with metal coat on at any level.

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Onix does not evolve by level, it evolves into Steelix by trade whilst holding a metal coat.

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there is no level for onix to evolve it will evolve if u trade it to another game make sure it holds a metal coat or it will not evolve

What level does onix evelove?

In Pokemon, Onix does not evolve at a specific level. The only way that Onix can evolve into Steelix is by trading it to someone while it is holding a metal coat.

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onix evovles into steelix

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Level: Onix Evolves By Trading.

What level does onix evolve on gpxplusnet?

Onix can be evolved by placing metal coat on it and trading it with a friend. It will evolve into a Steelix.

What level does steelics evolve at?

steelex does not evolve for it is a final evolve form of onix

What level does onix evolve in leafgreen?

it doesn't -_-

What level does oinx evolve?

onix doesn't evolve by level you have to trade it with a metal coat on it