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That depends.Do u mean by using pokeradar or just find it randomly in the wild?


The standard chances of finding a shiny is 1 in 8192. This includes all Pokemon found in the wild, legendaries, starters, Pokemon hatched from eggs and other Pokemon gifted to you in-game.

There are a few things you can do to improve your odds. If you breed two Pokemon from different language versions of the game (for example a Japanese Ditto with an American bulbasaur), the chances of hatching a shiny improve to 1 in 2048. That's still a very slim chance and you'd be spending A LOT of time hatching eggs.

The other way to improve your chances of seeing a shiny is to use the Pokeradar (only in Diamond, Peal and Platinum). Using the radar you can "chain" a Pokemon. The more you chain, the better the chances of seeing a shiny are. If you can chain a Pokemon to 40, your odds of seeing a shiny are 1/200. After this point your odds wont improve any more. There's a lot more information and skills needed to become good at using the pokeradar, too much to be posted here.

Go here for EVERYTHING you'll need to know about chaining:

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

you could only get it in hoenn unless you hack with action replay

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βˆ™ 15y ago

very rare. the easiest way to get one is the GPS or migrating.

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Q: What is the chance of getting a shiny Pokemon?
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1 in 80,000.

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In the second generation, you had a 50% chance of getting a shiny Pokemon this way, but in the 3rd generation onwards, chances were decreased and you did not have a better chance of getting a shiny Pokemon by using this method. Additionally, you won't know if the baby Pokemon will be shiny until it hatches because eggs containing shiny Pokemon do not look any different from eggs that contain non-shiny Pokemon.

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It might be shiny but you'll never get it... cause to get any shiny Pokemon it is 1/8192 chance of getting it shiny... so not possible!!!!

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There is a chance, but not usually. You can get shinies from eggs of normal colored Pokemon, but that's even rarer than encountering a shiny or getting a shiny from an egg laid by a shiny

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No. When a wild Pokemon appears, it has a 1/8192 chance of being shiny. You don't need to play 60 Hours to find a shiny.

What happens when you put a shiny Pokemon with a egg in Pokemon?

In the 2nd generation games (Gold/Silver/Crystal), the offspring will have a 1/64 chance of being shiny. In later generation games, the chance of getting a shiny offspring is the same as encountering a wild shiny Pokemon.

How you get pokerus?

Has a 1 out of 24,576 chance of being a wild Pokemon you catch or battle, which is 1/3 the chance of getting a shiny Pokemon.

How do you get shiny Pokemon in diamond version?

there are 1 : 1 000 000 chances of getting shiny Pokemon's without using cheats, but it is possible, remember, if you find a shiny Pokemon's, you only have on chance

Can you get a Shiny Pokemon from In Game Trading or do you have to trade a shiny to get a shiny?

The chance of a Pokemon received from an in-game trade being shiny is the same as the chance of capturing a shiny Pokemon in the wild.

Wild shiny Pokemon?

It is a 1/8,192 chance of getting a shiny in the wild. It is really rare, so patience is required.