No. My brother's Slaking has Pkrs and his Slaking lv 50 now has 250 attack. It is good to spread it as it helps your Pokemon stats grow like crazy. (Spread it by switching your Pokemon in and out when in a battle). ITS GOOD
AnswerPkrs is the in-game abbreviation of PokeRus (taken from Pokemon and virus). The word simply means that it is a virus that affects only Pokemon in the game. Pokemon with PokeRus, as said above, develop their stats better than normal Pokemon, so the virus is completely beneficial. Be aware, though, that PokeRus will fade away if you keep your infected Pokemon in your party over 24 hours. To keep the PokeRus condition, repeditively store your Pokemon in the PC overnight. You will know if your Pokemon has become immune to PokeRus as it has a dot (.) where the face used to be (signifying it had the condition, as well as the 'pkrs' word under 'status').
PokeRus is contracted through in-game play; battling wild Pokemon. Just like the shiny condition, Pokemon may have the PokeRus condition (but both are extremely rare). If you battle a wild Pokemon which has PokeRus, your fighting Pokemon will contract it and you will then have a method of transferring the virus to your other Pokemon. To transfer the virus to other Pokemon, simply have the desired Pokemon in your party and battle with the infected Pokemon. Very soon it will catch on. Note: Immune Pokemon (who have had and passed the virus) cannot get re-infected.
Of course, you can always migrate or trade for a Pokemon that has PokeRus. It is not very particular, so you really can trade for any Pokemon. This is probably the best option as the virus is very rare and the chances of contracting it are very low. Having said that, persistance is the key to most things in Pokemon games, so you never can tell.
OMG! my dialga and my kirlia have that pkrs thing what is it :S and could it currupt my game , and should i get rid of thoes 2 Pokemon , i got them both from wifi but im not shure what this means or weather it is a good thing or a bad thing but i have awesome Pokemon on my game and i really don't want it to erace on me , so would someone please tell me what this is and what i should do..
I have like ten of my own Pokemon with pokerus i had no idea what it meant first thing that csme into my mind was poke radar swarm!
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I think so, but on mine it has a : ( face with red circle around it
Your Pokemon can get Pokerus, but it is rare to find. Just wait until and then on the Pokemons Summary page, it will say PKRS. Once you go to a PokeCenter and heal it, It will be healed and that Pokemon can never get it again.AnswerTo have a Pokemon with the condition PokeRus, you must have it battle an infected Pokemon (which is a wild Pokemon). This is very rare, as the chances of finding a wild Pokemon with PokeRus is about the same as the chances of finding a shiny Pokemon. PokeRus is not contracted by waiting around. It is caught through Pokemon Battles only. If you take your Pokemon to be healed at the Pokemon Center, the PokeRus condition is not erased. The nurse will simply mention that your Pokemon has PokeRus and comment on the fact it is good. Your Pokemon will still have it, but it will fade away if the Pokemon is not deposited in the PC before 24 hours has passed.Thanks! I'm going to try it out. but I don't know yet. Let's see. I wanted my suicune, moltres, zapdos, shiny arceus, (pokerus pass on rayquaza) and chatot. Ive not deposited yet, but i wait.The way you spread it on to other Pokemon is through wild Pokemon battles and it takes at least 2 to 5 battles you can see it on
Some people say it goes away by itself... or so i'v heard... pokerus goes away on its own. there isn't a sure way to get rid of it, but most Pokemon become immune to if after a while. If it is immune, the pkrs will go away and there will be a small picture of a face next to it. pokerus is a good thing though, you don't want it to go away because your Pokemon will get large lvl up bonuses. (mine gained +4 and +5 on every level up)
There is a comic strip cartoon character named Cathy. It's also the name of the strip. Also there's Charlie Brown. There is also Casper The Friendly Ghost. While also there is Charlie Bucket from Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Chip from Chip and Dale - Disney!
You can raise the stats of all your pokemon but not the first in you party i have heard of this pkrs thing you can give to you pokemon without cheats it's double's all the stats of the pokemon with pkrs. No, there isn't an Action Replay code that automatically raises the stats of the first Pokemon in your party to the maximum amount. However, there are two ways to increase your Pokemon's stats:Input the desired IV enhancement codes and use them on your Pokemon.Download Pokesav and have full control over your Pokemon's statistics (gender, name, IV, EV, moves, etc.) Once you have the desired results, save the file and copy and paste the code into the Action Replay Manager.Some things to keep in mind about the second option:If you intend to max all of your Pokemon's values (255) and give it an ability unknown to its kind, your Pokemon will not be eligible to trade via the Global Trading Center nor will they be able to participate in competitions held at the Battle Tower. If you would like for them to be able to participate in all activities then try to make them as legitimate as possible. If you don't know their original ability(s), look it up. Moves don't matter so if you want to teach your Pokemon a move it's unable to learn, it will still be eligible for trades/tournaments.Remember to input your trainer ID, gender and secret ID if you'd like the game to recognize the Pokemon as yours. If you don't know your secret ID, use the following Action Replay code: 94000130 fcff0000b21c4d28 00000000b0000004 00000000da000000 000002e2d6000000 000002e4d2000000 00000000Press L+R to activate, go to your trainer card and whatever amount you have in Pokemon currency is your secret ID number.Whether you choose to place your "hacked" Pokemon in your party or one of your PC boxes, be sure that the Pokemon you currently have in that spot is one you are willing to lose as you will not get it back.I agree with answer 2 action replay wrecks your game, that's why I don't use it.If you were smart protect your game from this virus!Not to be mean, but don't use action replay, it messes up your game... Pokéesav doesn't, You can make out your Pokemon greatly along with many other enhancements. Actually, if you plan to use it with AR, then go ahead, it might be better to make it legit too!
Pokemon can only be affected with PKRS in Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum no your wrong you can get it on Pokemon ruby
You must first catch a Pokemon with pkrs which is extremely rare. If you want more Pokemon to catch it in the PC put the Pokemon with pkrs next to other Pokemon and they will catch it. Unfortunately it is complete luck if you catch a Pokemon with pkrs and there is no way of making one catch it exept for what i have put above. Hope i helped!
PKRS means Pokerus. It is a virus in your pokemon that cannot be removed. It is a very good thing to have, because it enables your pokemon to level up faster.
Pkrs doubles the ev gain of the pokemon infects. While it sounds bad it is a good thing and you want to spread it to as many Pokemon as possible.
It is a good virus that hightens stats in Pokemon
PKRS stand for Pokerus. It is a virus in your pokemon that allows it to level up faster. It is a good thing to have, even though it is common.
The pkrs is actually a virus that is helpful to the Pokemon. If a Pokemon that is infected wins a battle, then it gets a little stronger than usual.
Once a Pokemon gets pkrs it stays forever but after 24 hours it won't be able to spread to pkrs. If you want to spread the pkrs then you have to keep switching Pokemon in your party so that the Pokemon that is infected can rub it onto a different Pokemon and you will have another 24 hours to infect more Pokemon. (Recources are that i played Pokemon diamond for 5 years. I got pkrs and kept it for 2 years straight.)
PKRS makes a Pokemon sick and lets it battle better and get more exp points then normalo so it is great for leveling up. You get it by battling a Pokemon that has it then go to nurse joy in the Pokemon center.
When you train it to the next level notice it receives more points for its stats then usual that is when you know pkrs is working.
Pkrs is one of the best things that can happen to your Pokemon. It increases the effort values (Invisible values your Pokemon gains which benefit them greatly) your Pokemon gains by 2x! Try and keep the Pkrs infection for as long as possible if you get it!Quick notePokeRus will not infect all your other Pokemon if you deposit it in a PC. In fact, it will contain itself (unlike when the infected Pokemon is in the party) and keep the Pokemon infected until you take it out and wait 24 hours. PokeRus is good as it is beneficial to the Pokemn's growth and absolutely ineffective to the game itself.
The Gameshark code to contract PKRS on Pokemon fire red ROM can be obtained once you purchase a premium account.