a U.S. Military code name for the Viet Cong, the North Vietnamese troops. also callede Vc and Victor Charlie, VC was phased out as it also stands for Victoria Cross- a high War-merit award of the British govt! so Charlie or Charlie Cong it became.
Charlie's last name was Townsend. Charlie Townsend
charlie Wilson's real name is infact charlie Wilson
Charlie Sheen and Charlie Brown
Charlie in Good Luck Charlie real name is Mia Talerico
her name is Charlette and her nickname is Charlie. There also is another baby and his name is Toby.
Charlie's last name was Townsend. Charlie Townsend
Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
Charlie Louvin's birth name is Charlie Eizer Loudermilk.
Charlie Emseis's birth name is Charlie Adolph Emseis.
Charlie Bleakley's birth name is Charlie Finn Bleakley.
Charlie Spradling's birth name is Charlie Lynn Spradling.
Charlie Neff's birth name is Charlie Ann Neff.
Charlie Glossop's birth name is Charlie Harrison Glossop.
charlie Wilson's real name is infact charlie Wilson
Charlie Lynn's full name is Charlie John Stuart Lynn.
Charlie Condou's birth name is Charlie Lomax David Condou.