Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
In the story, Charlie's surname was Bucket.
His brother is Emilio Estevez.
Amitab Bachchan's real surname is Srivastava.
Popeye did not have a surname whereas Olive's surname was "Oyl" .
Charlie's last name in the Chocolate Factory is Bucket
His full name is Charlie Bucket.
Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
Charlie's last name in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is Bucket.
In the story, Charlie's surname was Bucket.
his name is charlie. hence the title name "charlie and the chocolate factory" but the dude who owns the factory is willy wonka
Both Charlie and Harry's surname is Davies-Carr.
Baz, thinking back to his surname bazinsci.