Delia's husband was still attached to her and Melinda forst noticed it when Delia began dating again. She realized she had to cross him over, so she had to tell Delia the truth.
Melinda gets a concussion in Episode 20 - The Vanishing After she hits her head she can't see ghosts and is afraid she has lost her gift.
Her grandmother
There is no season 6
Melinda Gordon
Melinda gets a concussion in Episode 20 - The Vanishing After she hits her head she can't see ghosts and is afraid she has lost her gift.
Melinda inherited her power from her Grandmother and Mother.
The Ghost Whisperer
Her grandmother
Ghost Whisperer - 2005 Melinda's First Ghost 1-15 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12 Netherlands:9 (re-rating) USA:TV-PG
There is no season 6
Melinda Gordon
Jennifer Love Hewitt play Melinda.
The woman (main character) is named Melinda Gordon.
The original episode aired on 4/24/2009 and was titled "Stage Fright". She had played an extra in a part that was being filmed at her shop and had her hand hurt when a camera came crashing onto her. Jim went with her to have it checked out and x-rayed at the end and they asked if there was a chance she might be pregnant, then the scene cut to the ultrasound where it showed their little baby growing... :)