Bart Simpsons middle name is Bartholamew Bart bartholamew Simpson Actually it is Bartholomew Jojo Simpson
Bart has 2 sisters, Lisa Marie Simpson and Margaret "Maggie" Simpson.
Bartholomew JoJo "Bart" Simpson's mother's name is Marjorie "Marge" Simpson (nee Bouvier) .
Lisa Simpson.
Bart Simpsons middle name is Bartholamew Bart bartholamew Simpson Actually it is Bartholomew Jojo Simpson
Bart has 2 sisters, Lisa Marie Simpson and Margaret "Maggie" Simpson.
Bart Simpson as he has been around longer and is a household name.
Bartholomew JoJo "Bart" Simpson's mother's name is Marjorie "Marge" Simpson (nee Bouvier) .
Ben dover
After the president Woodrow Wilson
Lisa Simpson.
Abraham J. "Abe" Simpson is Homer J. Simpson's father.
Jojo. His full name is Bartholomew Jojo Simpson.
Are you talking about a rap from 1990 where there were clips from the show interspersed with the song and the last line was "My hero is Bart Simpson"? If so, it was called "The Bart Simpson Rap". At least, that's what the local radio stations referred to it as.
Maggie Simpson.