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Stone Badge

The power of all pokemon increases a little.It lets you use Cut any time.

Knuckle Badge

Pokemon up to level 30 obey you.If they're at a higher level than that,they may not obey your commands.It also lets you use Flash any time.

Dynamo Badge

The speed of all pokemon increases a little.It also lets you use Rock Smash any time.

Heat Badge

Pokemon up to level 50 obey you.If they're at a higher level than that, they may not obey your commands.It also lets you use Strength any time.

Balance Badge

The defense of all pokemon increases a little.It also lets you use Surf any time.

Feather Badge

Pokemon up to level 70 obey you.If they're at a higher level than that, they may not obey your commands.It also lets you use Fly any time.

Mind Badge

Strengthens your Pokemon's special attack and special defense.Allows you to use Diving any time.

Rain Badge

All pokemon,no matter what level they're at, will obey you! Allows you to use Waterfall any time.

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12y ago
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11y ago

The Heat Badge from Flannery in Lavaridge
once u finish ur job in mauville..go north of mauville..where u will have to use rocksmash..and go left after that,u will find a mountain type of environment...go through the door which goes into a building,u will find a lady...she will take u to the top of the mountain..once there,u will have to deal with the aqua guys..once ur done wid them,u can go south from the cable car building...u will have to go down all the way,and u will end up in lavaridge.... :)

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13y ago
  1. coal badge- rock -lets you use HMcut outside of battle-
  2. Forrest badge- grass- HMcut- traded Pokemon under lvl30 will obay
  3. cobble badge-fighting-HM fly-
  4. fen badge-water-HM defog-lvl 50
  5. relic badge-ghost-HM surf
  6. mine badge-steel-HM strength-lvl70
  7. icicle badge-ice-HM rock climb
  8. beacon badge-electric-HM waterfall-all Pokemon obay
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14y ago

the first gym when you defeat him you use rock smash out of battle 2nd gym beat her use move cut out of battle 3rd gym beat her you use move fly out of battle 4th gym beat him use move surf out of battle 5th gym geat her use move defog out of battle 6th gym heat him use move strength out of battle 7th gym beat her use move rock climb out of battle 8th gym beat him use move waterfall out of battle

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13y ago

allow traded Pokemon at higher levels to obey you and boost certain stats of Pokemon. Or they can be cleaned until they sparkle 4 times, and you can play them like a zilaphone.

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you get the coal badge after defeating Roark in eterna city

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if you are looking for the third gym badge i suggest Veilstone city.

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The fifth gym leader in Pokemon platinum is crasher wake but you get the fourth badge.

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You can use the GTS in Pokemon Platinum after you get the first gym badge from the Oreburgh City gym.

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you must beat the eighth gym leader and he will give you the badge.

How do you remove badges in Pokemon platinum?

Once you obtain a badge it's permanently stored in the badge case.

How do you get the icicle badge in Pokemon Platinum? beat the 7th gym

What is the gym that use fighting Pokemon platinum?

it's the 3rd badge!

On Pokemon platinum where are the trade locations?

You have to have a badge. Then go to Jubilife City.